Create a new Quick Start Guide for creating a new mosaic site.
Probably best to create a new generator that does not add mosaic specific sources but instead adds some sample docs.
### Prerequisi…
This looks like a powerful group of functions. Do you have a quick start tutorial or code example where someone can supply a set of images and see the results? I am having a hard time grasping where t…
cdt59 updated
2 years ago
To give users a quick way of understanding what Machinery can do and how they can get started, it would be great, if there would be a quick start guide, which is linked from the home page of Machinery…
Good job, game and idea seems pretty cool, but since this is a game, **quick start guide**, which explained the basic **skills**, **control**, how **experience** count etc. for beginners realy needed.…
Do we want to create the quick start type guide that we were asked about in a Wiki page or as a separate document that we would include in the repository? I think what @nathant23 included in his part…
I'm trying to save out some specific environment variables along with a saved tmux-resurrect session. Looks like this plugin might be able to do that, or can be tweaked a little bit for my purposes.
Under `7. Try Out Example Commands:`, there is an example of add command which contains invalid status field: `add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/123 Main St s/Java,Python st/Active note/…
I would like to report an issue on page https://cloud.docs.scylladb.com/master/scylladb-quickstart/index
### Problem
Information on "Allowed IPs" could get more information. Customer asked about w…
I installed the VSCode extension after looking for something that would enforce a style for my project's code, but I have found the documentation to be lacking in terms of how to get started with the …