# node r2irc.js
[=>] Initializing r2 core...
throw new TypeError('Expected ' + numArgs +
Current r2pipe protocol is very simple but have some issues.
* Not encapsulable (can't embed other protocols inside)
* Special chars can't be transmitted without previous encoding (this can be fix…
When you have the C output, there should be function which changes:
- [ ] Function name (should also call function name change in radare2 via r2pipe)
- [ ] If function is in imports or relocatio…
@xarkes @wargio please explain what exactly is the problem here
I wanna trace some special address by `dta/dts`:
I create a script to load while debuging:
└─# cat a.py
import r2pipe
import sys
import json
import re
- [ ] ability to set any config variable (like for radare2) from the command line for rabin2 and other utils
- [ ] ability to run r2 or r2pipe script before rabin2 runs - e.g. perform some commands…
This will allow us to better track the r2pipe compatibility issues between releases. Which commands has changed its format, etc. just by diffing all the tests marked with this between two tags.
This i…
[florian@florian-desktop ~]$ r2 -
[0x00000000]> & #!pipe python p.py
[0x00000000]> &
0 running -- MAIN TASK --
1 sleeping #!pipe python…
Putting in commands with multiple parts (eg. `foo.cmd('aa; axt foo')`) desyncs at least the python API, as r2 sends a NULL as each command finishes, and r2pipe only expects one and stops reading there…