I receive following error in the browser console after running:
npm i
npm run dev
It is also not possible to run a form in debug mode:
`import schema2component from "@/utils/schema2compon…
The following errors were reported by 5.5.0-dev.20240526
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https:/…
#### 描述问题:
问题1.amis在1.7.0 和 1.8.0 报错: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ReactDOM' in /xx/react-visibility-sensor/dist
问题2 .amis在1.7.0 和 1.8.0 报错: in React/index.js does not match the cor…
The following errors were reported by 5.5.0-dev.20240602
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https:/…
The following errors were reported by 5.3.0-dev.20230917
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https://t…
#### 描述问题:
App多页面配置带参数的路由,例如:list/view/:id ,访问路径list/view/1会找不到这个路径,react版本不能访问,vue3版本可以正常访问
#### 截图或视频:
#### 如何复现(请务必完整填写下面内容):
1. 你是如何使用 amis 的?
2. amis 版本是什么?请先在最新 beta…
登录页面 axios 登录请求 不走代理
The following errors were reported by 5.3.0-dev.20230903
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https://t…
The following errors were reported by 5.3.0-dev.20230827
[Pipeline that generated this bug](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build?definitionId=48)
[Logs for the pipeline run](https://t…