## Description
I encountered an error while using the deno-loader plugin in my Deno project. The error message indicates that it could not resolve the "react" module only when using @react-three/drei…
1. https://github.com/artcom/react-three-arjs/ : AR.jsをReact-three-fiberで扱えるようにするもの、リリースされてから日が浅いのが欠点。おそらくマーカーを印刷して利用するタイプのAR
2. https://github.com/pmndrs/xr : ARやVRを扱えるようにす…
- `three` version: ^0.128.0
- `@react-three/fiber` version: ^6.2.2
- `@react-three/drei` version: ^6.0.1
- `node` version: v12.18.4
- `yarn` version: 1.22.5
### Problem description:
I notic…
I was testing [r3f v9 beta 1](https://github.com/pmndrs/react-three-fiber/issues/2338) with react 19 (which is included in the latest [next.js 15](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/releases/tag/v15.0.…
When using the following code to load a texture from an S3 presigned URL:
`const texture = useTexture(s3PresignedUrl);`
I encounter an error on React Native for iOS:
`Error: Could not load ht…
fiber hasn't some expected named exports
drei - bad URLS
I'm trying to implement a drag-and-drop like feature using R3F event system. It works perfectly on the web, but in react-native builds, trying to call `setPointerCapture` / `releasePointerCapture` as …
- `three` version: 0.166.1
- `@react-three/fiber` version: 8.16.8
- `@react-three/drei` version: 9.108.4
- `troika-three-text` version: 0.49.1
- `node` version: 22.4.1
- `yarn` version: 1.22.…
I've never come across an up-to-date list of r3f components created by contributors outside of the **pmndrs** org - something along the lines of [awesome-react-three-fiber](https://github.com/gsimone/…