Currently we have the ability to define only permissioned addresses for rollapp creation.
The goal of this task is to have the ability to block any potential attack vector by user interaction with t…
The building RollApps link [building RollApps](https://github.com/dymensionxyz/dymension-rdk/blob/main/docs.dymension.xyz/build/adv-guide/rdk/setup/rdk-repo) The corresponding URL cannot be found
`dymd q rollapp list --node https://dymension-devnet.rpc.silknodes.io:443 -o json`
users running rollapp in the background will need some relevant details for listing their rollapps and working with wallets.
for example ibc channels, network id etc.
We need a command to get this…
When generating a RollApp relayer key, the system defaults to coin type 118 for custom RollApps. This becomes an issue when a user is building a custom EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) RollApp, which ac…
I'm not sure if this is possible but here is my suggestion:
Whenever receive IBC from a roll app, automatically register the IBC to bank denom metadata.
### Why saving the bank denom metadata:
[rollapp (2).log](https://github.com/dymensionxyz/dymint/files/12064566/rollapp.2.log)
seems like the rollapp goes out of sync sometimes with the hub.
- index: true\n key: c2lnbmF0dXJl\n …
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_64
Roller 0.1.2
RollApp EVM I believe 0.4.0-rc2
### Steps to reproduce it
Setup a RollApp EVM and expose port 8545 (ETH Json RPC) public.
### Result
Wait few days …