Hello I have set up the repo as requested. I have managed to get the LPC1769 driver to compile in MCUExpresso, will have a think about configuring for the RT1020. Might use an example and clean out mo…
Moffy updated
3 years ago
After increasing the value of `WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE` to reduce the wear on the flash sectors used for swap during updates, we've started to experience issues with hangs in `hal_flash_erase` and…
Maybe someone can help me
I try fresh install linuxcnc 2.9.1
I use nvem v2 with rt1052 with firmware rt1052 V3.1.0
I add components remora-eth-3.0.c and remora-nv.c, i use config remora-…
Nvems updated
11 months ago
It seems on a directional change my indicator moves only about 1/4 the value of what it should.
If I move 0.254mm left and right it will miss 0.00254mm but if i keep advancing and not chang…
I recently purchased NVEM v5 with hopes of getting it to work with LinuxCNC via Remora. But after spending whole day going through LinuxCNC forum, trying every combination of hardware and soft…
I am looking at the code and wondering how do we remove as much processing as possible without putting the burden somewhere else, except on the main computer actually sending the data for the motion c…
/usr/local/mcuxpressoide-11.7.1_9221/ide/plugins/com.nxp.mcuxpresso.tools.linux_11.7.1.202301190959/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: remora-rt1052-cpp.axf se…
野火RT1052网卡功能移植已完成, 但有问题还请官方注意, 在实际运行中会卡死在 drv_eth.c 文件中 _enet_config 函数下 "ENET_Deinit(imxrt_eth_device.enet_base);" 代码处. 注释后程序正常运行, ping正常.
After experiencing poor performance in regular everyday use of **LittleFS v2.5.1** apparently when working with large files (~100kB), I decided to develop a small deterministic test to stress the file…
我在 i.MX RT1052 项目中使用 FileX 和 USBX 读取 U 盘中的文件,发现 fx_file_read 读取文件时,必须提供 CACHESAFE 内存才能读取到正确的数据(使用 SCB_InvalidateDCache 不能正常工作)。如果挂载两个 FileX 文件系统,一个必须提供 CACHESAFE 内存才能工作 ,而另一个文件系统无需 CACHESAFE 内存就可以工作。这…