Suppose I have this in the manifest:
Using the library here, I need to call this in order to request both permissions, even though they both belong to the same permission group (based…
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(rxPermissionsFragment, TAG).commitNow();
app will be crashed where execute this line,Please make a low version compatibility .
As you can see in the screenshot if you open the app delegating the permissions to [RxPermissions](https://github.com/tbruyelle/RxPermissions), in spite of granting the permissions correctly a "Permis…
Reproduce procedure in sample project:
1. Add some immediate permission request in onCreate method of the MainActivity
zourb updated
5 years ago
location permissions are currently not requested by the application.
user needs to manually add permission from app info screen
disposable = rxPermissions.requestEach(permission.CALL_PHONE, permission.CAMERA)
.subscribe(new Consumer() {
public void accept(P…
I want to use your library with a version check to support SDK vs < 11. I added this to my app s AndroidManifest.xml:
On building, manifest merger still shows a RuntimeException:
Currently, when you start typing this:
And you start auto-completion, it doesn't offer logical things to put.
What I suggest is that you use S…
1. >
2. > android13之前:
7. > android13之后: