Hi folks,
Would it be possible to release weights and dataloader for Mickey trained on ScanNet?
Your work is outstanding!
I have encountered some difficulties. How big is the scannetv2 dataset used in your paper? I saw 1T on the scannet official website, which may be a terrible number. L…
ghost updated
8 months ago
HI, sghr seems only provides
├── 3dmatch/
├── 3dmatch_train/
├── eth/
├── scannet/
and there seems lack of the data file
├── train/
├── val/
├── 3dmatch.pkl
├── eth.pkl
├── scannet.pkl
- 要如何像论文中的那样将模型应用到其他场景数据上(例如scannet和replica等)?
When I tried to do the evaluation on the Re10K dataset, I ran the following command in bash:
python -m src.main +experiment=re10k mode=test wandb.name=re10k dataset/view_sampler@dataset.re10…
Thanks for your excellent work, could you please tell me how to get scannet_607_bert-base-uncased_id.pth for pre-train? BTW, when will you release all pre-trained checkpoints?
i have the same problems with scannet, and i want to know what's the format of the dataset of scannet, the reason why i want to train my own dataset and don't know how to change the format.
thank y…
I want to download , ScanNet Training Chunks(70gb) which you write in your readme.
But I click on it and nothing happens,so if i want to download ScanNet ,where to find it
oh,luckliy,i put the do…
Dear authors, thank you for your work.
I try to reproduce your results on dataset Scanner. I train my model on A40 (46 Gb GPU) with different number of scences (1000, 500, 10) and default parametrs …
Thank you for your excellent work! I would like to know how the relative extrinsic parameters in ./assets/scannet_test_pairs_with_gt.txt are obtained. If I know the camera positional extrinsic paramet…