Hello, when running the AGA_SEAD.py code, the following error is displayed, namely AttributeError: module 'dubins' has no attribute 'shortest_path'” I cannot solve it, can you help me? Thank you so mu…
BTMOP updated
7 months ago
The SEAD database contains, what I presume is supposed to be bibliographic references to other data sources for certain sites, these references are stored in the table `tbl_site_other_records`. Howeve…
Har fått önskemål om ett nytt typ av filter: möjligheten att välja område utifrån en karta. Dvs kunna rita upp ett område utan att behöva ta hänsyn till land eller region. Liknande sökfunktion finns i…
We should decide, formally, if we are using British english or American english for the SEAD system and try to be consistent in its usage.
There is logic in the `sead_bugs_import` that __seems__ to assume that the `abbreviation` field in `tbl_relative_ages` being unique. For instance, the function in [RelativeAgeRepository](https://githu…
if NABONE has evidence at sheep at a site, and SEAD has evidence of pasture at that site, can we have an indicator of "Sheep pasture" or do we do this at the topic level.
abrin updated
7 years ago
Currently national site identifiers are registered in a field in tbl_sites. This means that there are limitiations in how these site identifiers are defined and an incapability of managing situations …
Is there a way to create a ATO-generator?
Either tied to the new website (preferred) or stand-alone.
- Mission Host/event Host (AOC) should have a setting where they can assign a p…
I tidigare versioner av sead har det gått att minimera filter med hjälp av "show only selections". Det vore önskvärt om det gick att minska på det tomma utrymmet i exemplet nedan. (Önskemål från Phil.…
Bibligraphy modern, Bibligraphy sites and Bibligraphy sites/samplegroups all contains rows with no text, nothing in the text column just values in the number column. If selected, the filter output sho…