First of all, thank you for your work, it is top notch.
I tested the ForestTools library on a small area to check the finesse of the results. I counted the number of trees visible from a …
_As a **developer using Guided Answers extension**,
I want to **see exact nodes which meets my search criteria**,
so that I **I precisely know which node to navigate under a tree rather than t…
### What would you like to Propose?
**What would I like to propose?**
A treap (short for "tree heap") is a type of balanced binary search tree that combines properties of both a binary search tree…
Contribution Guidelines for this question-
-Languages available: C++, Java, Python
-Well Commented Code
-In the starting, add a brief explanation of the algorithm
-if possible, add time and spac…
First note that dp[k] represents the number of BST trees built from 1....k;
Then assume we have the number of the first 4 trees: dp[1] = 1 ,dp[2] =2 ,dp[3] = 5, dp[4] =14 , how do we get dp[5] base…
## [95. Unique Binary Search Trees II](https://leetcode.com/problems/unique-binary-search-trees-ii/)
给定一个整数 `n`,生成所有由 `1 ... n` 为节点所组成的 __二叉搜索树__ 。
#### Example
Input: 3
There is a data structure called a discrimination tree that allows one to compactly store a large number of terms (rose trees) with metavariables and then, given another term with metavariables, effic…
One task frequently appears in the binary tree: search neighbors of non-existent key. The following code implements such algorithm for the BinarySearchTree:
(file extend_binary_tree.js)
``` javascri…
Given n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n.
For example,
Given n = 3, your program should return all 5 unique BST's shown below.
1 3…