Which code handles the sampling problem of random_shift_factor=32?
thx for this great job at first!!!
i trained this code ONLY in ILSVRC2015_finetune,not like mult-trained(eg: trained in COCO,YoutubebBB,ILSVRC2015) in paper,and i got the auc:0.50 for epoch 20 in OT…
When I run train.py in folder 'siamrpn_alex_dwxcorr_otb', there is an error——’RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (710) : device-side assert triggered at C:/w/b/windows/pytorch/aten/src\THCUNN/generic/Cl…
Hi, i build this project sucessfully, but when i run this project, some errors occurs, could you please help me with it? thanks.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'c10::Error'
Hello, can you give me more details about test and train the tracking codes. Thanks very much!
How can I train a new dataset?
1.I have already trained siammask_base,siammask_sharp,siamrpn_resnet.
But when i was training ,CPU memory incresing until 100% then stop
2.I tried demo.py ,but the bound box isn't rotated only M…
作者你好,我在复现训练过程中,只修改了训练数据集,改为只用VID训练,就出现了nan or inf found in input tensor的问题,也尝试使用了YOUTUBEBB也出现该问题,请问是什么原因呢?辛苦您解答一下,麻烦您啦!
![2023-07-13 09-42-32屏幕截图](https://github.com/sansanfree/RBO/assets/59240755/57…
I use your training code with pretrained AlexNet to train SiamRPN, but the performance is pretty bad when only using VID dataset. I use the test code provided by [arbitularov](https://github.com/arbit…