The removal of EAMT entries taking too long when done in linear mode.
Is there a quick way to use a file handle for removal of some EAMT entries selectively out of several mappings?
It would be ev…
vt täpsemalt #32. Andmekihid lähevad `vesi` workspace'i
## valgla
Kirjeldus: Eesti valglate andmed. Modelleeritud KAURis Eesti kõrgusandmete põhjal (andmed seisuga 2014-2015).
when running the PMTU test on icmpcheck.popcount.org from a DNS64/NAT64 enabled network it seems to fail whether there is a PMTU problem or not. In such a network traffic towards IPv4 services …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Digi-ID, mitte ID kaart.
PIN1 lukustumise fakti ise kuidagi fikseerinud ei ole, tööl viimati asi
Nüüd puhtale Ubuntu süsteemile tarkvara paiga…
This has been mentioned several times, particularly in #140 and the survey. It appears that some people want Jool to merge with the Linux kernel.
Why, though? I get that people don't like installin…
Add section with h2 title "Esita teabenõue". The section will outline data types classified as open data in AvTS
(https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/106012016007?leiaKehtiv , § 29.3) with links to open …
## Idee
Paigaldada kommunikatsioonid, sh maaküttetorustik tenniseplatside (#12) alla **enne** killustikaluse rajamist. Seltsimaja (#16) on avalik hoone ja nõuab ehituses liginullenergianõuete järgm…
tormi updated
7 years ago
I replicated the used commands from `install.sh`, but i can't get it to build.
`dkms build jool/4.0.5`:
Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel. Skipping...
Building module:
I have a full 464XLAT deployment using Jool (CLAT and PLAT). Everything is working so far, but I realized that remote access VPN has issues, phase 1 is not established. OpenVPN and SSL VPNs…
## Probleem
Prügikonteinerite ala on hetkel visuaalselt kole, välja ehitamata (puudub alus) ja ohtlik (konteinerid pargitakse kõnniteele, aluseta konteinerid kõiguvad ja võivad seal turnivatele las…
tormi updated
7 years ago