After switching from the binary cache mirror at SJTU to the one at USTC by changing `nix.settings.substituters = [ "https://mirror.sjtu.edu.cn/nix-channels/store" ];` to `nix.settings.substituters = […
# Current Behavior
the output of Q4 model is very strange.
And I see there was ever such a bug, in https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/PowerInfer/issues/77 and also I see you have given a solution i…
Hi! 👋 And thank you for your work on quite impressive pose estimation model.
In `numpy` release 1.24 data type alias `np.float` has been removed. There are several references to this (eg in https:…
但是该链接中的代码似乎并不完整,例如找不到RCtrl和Arc的定义,而在 class RDMA_Device 中使用了RCtrl和Arc
`RCtrl *rctrl; // 找不到RCtrl 的定义`
# 二进制漏洞检测工具 cwe_checker 学习 | cascades-sjtu
Thanks for your code and features.
But the feature links (THUMOS [https://jbox.sjtu.edu.cn/l/pn3mvh](https://jbox.sjtu.edu.cn/l/pn3mvh) and Anet [https://jbox.sjtu.edu.cn/l/vuB3WW](ht…
The links you provided are not working. Can you please update those links?
## Description
I met a problem when I tried to install `nvidia-tensorrt==`, it must be installed after `nvidia-pyindex` and in a seperate `pip install` process. However envd will merge all p…
Hi all,
There seems to be some demand for a CPU-only build:
- https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose/issues/116
- https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose/issues/335
- https://github.com/MVIG-SJ…