The archive report feature is very helpful in getting CP and stuff reported to us, but it also draws in a ridiculous amount of reports for stuff that should be reported to 4chan instead. [Even after p…
Can 4chan X somehow circumvent this?
I can't post otherwise.
- Desktop: no issue
- iOS: ???
- Android (4.4): scrolling is smooth if the finger used to scroll started on the image, but is not smooth if you start scrolling without your finger anywhere else.
it looks like ###.com are referer spamming us. Time to add a referer blacklist...
It would be nice to have a feature that makes posted hyperlinks clickable instead of relying on third-party extensions to do that.
You have `#qr > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(4)` (also known as the submit bar) go `display: none !important;` when opening the sounds section, but on closing the sounds section and revealing the…
A suggestion from @sebix to add the popular pingback and/or trackback support to acrylamid. While this is a great idea, it almost impossible to implement it in Acrylamid (at least bi-directional commu…