related to https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/future/issues/286, A good idea comes from `future` package.
the future package provides a great parallel framework across multi-engine, including socke…
When I install "sparklyr" using terminal, got the warning:
Does anyone have idea about this phenomenon?
Here is the sessionInfo
R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gn…
How can I access column names in the `mutate` series of functions within sparklyr to do calculations that involve the column name? Specifically how can I `deparse` the `.` to a string?
If I well understood, in the *42 - Introduction to sparklyr*, the path of data sets *2003.csv.bz2* and *2004.csv.bz2* should be downloaded in the repository `data` created just before.
So, line 58, c…
Assuming that is (even technically) possible, it would be useful to have the data indexed (but not loaded yet in the RAM) like in `sparklyr` (see https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/sparkly…
If I understand correctly, the sparklyr extension is developed in the upstream repo?
Using this issue to collect logos that have been approved to be added to the http://sparklyr.org/ site.
options(kudu.version = "1.9.0")
I am trying to understand the concepts behind the extensions for sparklyr.
An example extension would be very helpful for me.
I've created a backend to add Spark connection support using the SparkR library.
There are actually two libraries which permit Spark connection with R: SparkR and Sparklyr.
Even if the S…