We are currently exploring Text-to-Speech (TTS) models to identify an optimal solution for our project. Our primary requirements are as follows:
1. **Fine-Tuning Capability or Voice Cloning**: The …
t4r7k updated
9 months ago
Running `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local .. && make install` gives me:
-- Setting installation directory...
-- Include: /home/ivan/local/include
-- Lib: /home/ivan/local/lib…
Which new datasets should we offer and prioritize in torchaudio?
I want to follow-up on #31 and a few of the recent PRs. Instead of aiming to have an exhaustive list of datasets, we should focus on…
Thank you very much for all your help and support.
I want to train with original data in a speech seperation task, but the samples in the egs2 folder use a specific dataset (WHAM!, WSJ1, etc.).
The following DCRs suggest several changes that are somewhat related to each other, which is the reason they are listed together. These are mostly based on existing samples [Sample #30](https://githu…