I didn’t create the table, when I tried to use java hikari to query the data, the error returned ‘prepared statement does not exist’ instead of table does not exist
확인하는데 이상없길 부탁드려요!
## Issue Summary
In a Spring Boot 3.3.5 application using GraalVM (22.3.0) for native image compilation, the following exception occurs when attempting to initialize lazy-loaded Hibernate entities:
When using Event Publication Registry in combination with Event externalization to RabbitMQ (AMQP), the entry in the registration for externalize listener is marked completed even when the message fai…
# Spring Data Jpa 学习笔记 - Shi_Kang
官网 ;https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/reference/index.html 一、spring Data Jpa 介绍 Jpa : JPA(Java Persistence API)是用于在Java应用程序中进行对象持久化的API,用于描述对象-关系映射(ORM)规范(就像j…
Вся функциональность, размещенная в пакете legacy реализована в системе при помощи рест-апи или иного подхода, но целевого
Удален пакет legacy со всем содержимым.
I intend to use FetchStrategy.SUBSELECT for certain collections, but it doesn't work as expected.
Standard mapping
@JoinColumn(name = "work_order_id")…
- [√] 我已经阅读了[文档](https://github.com/power721/alist-tvbox/blob/master/doc/README_zh.md)。
- [√ ] 我确定没有重复的issue或讨论。
- [√ ] 我确定是AList-TvBox的问题,而不是其他原因(例如网络,依赖或操作)。
- [√ …
**Describe the bug**
Unable to connect Redis to Spring boot dockerize application
**To reproduce**
I'm using a Redis image for my Spring Boot application and its running perfectly in my local…