^Is there any particular reason why `id` is in blue and why the open squa…
It seems strange that while the edit command allows the use of INDEX as an …
^Is there any particular reason why `id` is in blue and why the open square bracke…
It seems strange that while the edit command allows the use of INDEX as an identifier…
# Student Home | Nighthawk Pages
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Telegram is a compulsory field used to find students in the address book. In the instance that students in tel
[original: nus-cs2103-AY2425S1/pe-interim#956] [original labels: severity.Medium ty…
When a long student/company name is given, the name will not be wrapped do…
After editing any of the student information, the address book list all students and resets the filter command beforehand. This is an inconvenience as the teacher might want to continue editing the st…
## Steps to reproduce
1. Add duplicate students with all fields same except for the phone number. For example,
`add n/John Doe p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 gl/LCM 1`
`add n/John Doe p/…
as seen above, it is stated that student numbers should end off with an up…