Thanks your great work!
When i try to transform official weight .pkl to .pth, I found this error.
Dealing with /home/resefa/Hammer-main/converters/stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pkl ...
I want to start the styleflow ui with a specific image that I have produced in stylegan (seed + truncation_psi) or vice versa find the right seed for a styleflow image with a specific index - but I co…
Hi. I have a problem to start the interface of DragGan AI after running command "!python /content/DragGAN/visualizer_drag_gradio.py" :
File under cache_dir (./checkpoints):
![Screenshot from 2024-07-06 04-35-36](https://github.com/johndpope/SPEAK-hack/assets/289994/79396ebf-5296-4914-bbb5-2a936c2fd757)
the paper says they use stylegan architecture
that means re…
python visualizer_drag_gradio.py
File under cache_dir (./checkpoints):
['stylegan2-afhqcat-512x512.pkl', 'stylegan2-car-config-f.pkl', 'stylegan2-cat-config-f.pkl', 'stylegan2-ffhq-512x512.pkl', 'st…
dear author, very good job, can you release the data?
I couldn't find the post labeling for the semantic indices.
Could you share the post annotation for StyleGAN and StyleGAN2 on celeba/ffhq?
hello, @xinntao
thanks for your work.
I want to train GFPGANv1Clean, but neet to load related StyleGan2's pretrained model, I don't see a model for that?
where can I find it?
Thank you
Minecraft 1024px, Fish 256px, 1970s Sci-Fi 1024px, Christmas 256px
Judging by the fakes000000.png images from each, they…