I am a user of TailwindCSS and I have currently setup most of my UI using Tailwindcss. However, some parts of my code seem silly to use Tailwind for and not something like Inkline.
An exampl…
I enjoy using TailwindCSS and would love to be able to get the same color highlighting for my Tailwind colors. Currently I'm using Jetbrains Webstorm.
@ttskch great plugin idea! unfortunately i can't get it to work with @fsouza/prettierd. any idea why?
```Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@ttskch/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss-anyw…
When you create a project with `sv` with `prettier` and `tailwindcss` options selected. It does not seem to add tailwind's prettier plugin. This only gets added if run `npx sv add tailwind` again afte…
Support using this plugin with both `tailwindcss@v3` and `tailwindcss@v2`.
The website login page looks terrible, tailwindcss would help a lot! (or maybe bootstrap)
Just ran `pnpm dlx @mystic-ui/cli init` in my project and got
Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/.../node_modules/tailwindcss/defaultTheme' imported from /.../tailwind.conf…
Can you please add `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss` to this package? Thanks!
### **Next.js und TailwindCSS integrieren**
Integrieren von Next.js und TailwindCSS in das Projekt
- **Akzeptanzkriterien:**
- [ ] Next.js-Framework ist vollständig integriert.
- [ ] Grundle…
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### Language
### Tree Sitter parser link
_No response_
### Language server link
_No response_
### Misc notes
I would like you to add …