Have to find a way to detect the player, ball and the basket, And also have to find a way to get the skeletal view of the player to detect the positions of the player.
I'm noticing issues very time we update the requirement of tensoflow for this check:
I am getting the following warning
> WARNING:tensorflow:From /Users/nbro/Desktop/my_project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/layers/util.py:104: Layer.add_variable (fr…
When installing `manylinux` wheels with `use_precompiled_packages` set to `true` zappa only unzips the wheels ignoring `purelib` and `platlib` folders as specified in [PEP491](https://www.python.org/d…
At present we don't support TFDataset or PyTorch DataLoader inputs for predict, since we don't know what format to return for these two inputs?
Maybe need some discussion on this.
This is in [sbt](https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/6683), but indications are coursier is producing that number:
## steps
the binary is 300 MB in size:
libraryDependencies += "org.p…
Sciss updated
3 years ago
Dear AWS team,
I am trying to train a custom tensoflow estimator with the . I am using pipemode dataset as the input.
I wish I can have an evaluation result at the end of each epoch during the …
Everything seems to be in place before transforming dataset to tf format.
I am not quite sure what went wrong, but the output is empty:
Final error message running model.fit(...):
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