As tern modules are growing, it's a little difficult to find the well tern module to check in the table of tern modules. It should be good if we can categorize tern modules (transforme the table to a …
It should be cool if you can integrate https://github.com/angelozerr/tern-guess-types
If you need more informations about that, don't hesitate to tell me. Thanks!
Hello Tern Team,
I'd like to know whether it is possible to use Tern with [kaniko](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko) instead of the usual docker daemon. Kaniko allows to build docker …
It shoud be cool if Light Table editor could displays errors of the tern lint https://github.com/angelozerr/tern-lint which is a tern plugin to to validate JS files with tern.
You can see what tern l…
I am a huge fan of tern,and use `tern-for-vim` for nodejs code writing .
I am sorry this question may not relate directly to `tern-node-express` plugin,but I need your help to instruct me how t…
I thought it was already a thing because Brackets support tern natively but I was wrong: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/11754.
Just for your information, I have integrated your GAS tern plugin inside tern.java to use it with Eclipse https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/wiki/Tern-&-Google-Apps-Script-support
It will be great to have support for `.tern-project` files.
This can speed up Tern loading in case of large projects that contain multiple sub-folders each of them with a specific configuration.
Volox updated
10 years ago
Startup seems to work as expected. There is a short delay as the project is being indexed by tern and then sublime behaves as normal until I start typing in a JS file. After pressing any character ke…
Would you be able to publish `tern-gas` on npm? If not I am happy to set it up.
I've temporarily set up `tern-googleappsscript` on npm to host the plugin only. [See here, with minor modifications](…