The test passes, but it takes ~377s, way beyond the current 90s timeout.
@lassoan: Is this a problem that needs to be…
These headers are needed since last week:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9.0.0; VS985 4G Build/LRX21Y; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/58.0.3029.83 Mobile…
I have Iphone 8 (latest OS), AppleWatch 4 Cellular (latest OS). I have down loaded the Watch for Tesla. I never carry my phone, so am so appreciative of this app. All features on my AppleWatch work…
I'm now getting an error : Endpoint is only available on fleetapi
I understand that this is due to the new API requirements, just wondering if there is a plan to update Teslapy project?
Thanks in ad…
Reporting client version: 514.1589
## Round ID:
## Testmerges:
## Reproduction:
Create a plumbing setup that creates recur…
System information:
OS Platform: ubuntu 16.04
TensorFlow : install from source
Python version: Python 2.7.5
1. Run with the command:
`python tf_cnn_benchmarks.py --num_batches 100 --display_ev…
## 🐛 Bug
Under PyTorch 1.0, nn.DataParallel() wrapper for models with multiple outputs does not calculate gradients properly.
## To Reproduce
On servers with >=2 GPUs, under PyTorch 1.0.0
java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
at exnihiloomnia.blocks.crucibles.tileentity.TileEntityCrucible.func_73660_a(TileEntityCrucible.java:163)
at org.spon…
As a user I do want to access the WebUI directly with the Tesla Browser.
Hi there, the tool does not report fanspeed from an Nvidia 1070 GPU installed in an Alienware 17 R4.
Hwinfo reports this via the COMPAL EC category in RPM for both the CPU and GPU.
Out of intere…