@Media-Smart Thanks for your great work! What parameters should I modify in config/trainval/tinaface.py if I want to complete multi-scale testing? Looking forward to your reply.
The link for eval_tools in the Readme.md file of vedadet/configs/trainval/tinaface/ has been changed to [this](http://shuoyang1213.me/WIDERFACE/support/eval_script/eval_tools.zip) link.
Please update…
tinaface_r50_fpn_widerface.pth测试,按照Issues #25的过程做了一遍,还是下面的结果,做了filter_widerface_val.py以后感觉xml没什么变化?
| class | gts | dets | recall | ap |
I'm trying to convert pytorch model (tinaface) to onnx format but it was fail.
Error log is as below:
> root@1ce0ebf9a4bc:/workspace/vedadet# python tools/torch2onnx.py configs/trainval/ti…
Thanks for this great work. Tinaface use resnet50 as backbone and download pretrained model from pytorch official website. The official pytorch resnet50 use norm std as [58.395, 57.12, 57.375], wherea…
Could you please tell me where I can find the TinaFace model weights? thanks in advance
`python configs/trainval/tinaface/test_widerface.py configs/trainval/tinaface/tinaface.py data/tinaface_r50_fpn_widerface.pth`
`loading annotations into memory...
Done (t=0.00s)
creating index...…
## environment
- python 3.7.9
- torch 1.6.0
- torchvision 0.7.0
## My script
The config file `tinaface.py` hasn't been modified
cfg = Config.fromfile("configs/trainval/tinafac…
thanks for sharing the code, but i do not understand how to evaluate on test set as there is no '.txt' file in test set? how should i modify the tinaface.py? thank you so much!!
How about TinaFace performance?