The syntax to instantiate caches in a standalone processor model is:
Using mips.ac as an example:
ac_mem DM:512M;
ac_icache IC("2w", 64, 8, "wt", "random");
ac_dcache DC(…
The sparc_block.ac and sparc_nonblock.ac files define the sparc model for its use in platforms. So, we need to define an interrupt port, just as we did in the other processors.
I suggest to add the f…
In our 3/16/2015 WG meeting, we agreed to investigate removing repeated namespace information in class names. Consider cci::cnf::cci_cnf_broker_if as an example. After some initial brainstorming we …
i dl the newest version code just now,and installed in my redhat . then when i type in ctags -R in my uvm_1.2 lib src folder, i got a msg said :
ctags:Notice:xcmd recongnizes /PATH/usr/libexec/ctags…