### Current Behavior
The current setup allow me to spawn multiple terminals, just like expected, meaning that `1` and `2` opens terminal 1 and 2 respectively. The current issue is that doing `1` an…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Current Behavior
I'm using mutiple floating terminals and switch between them using `TermSelect`.
Thanks for sharing the config!
It contains modules and code of some projects that are GPL licensed. I wondered about the MIT compatibility,
how to close
use toggleterm and vim-tmux-navigator
i dont need dotoprevieious window how close it?
I'm using the default layout which puts the REPL and console at the bottom. When I open the quickfix list (or other similar types of small windows which open at the bottom), they bump the REPL/console…
This is my setup
transparent_background = false,
terminal_colors = true,
devicons = true, -- highlight the icons of `nvim-web-devicons`
styles = {…
I copied the example configurations to my .lua file it it worked fine.
-- ...
transparent_background = true, -- I want transparent background
background_clear = {
-- "float_win",
I tried porting your configuration to the lazy.nvim package manager. This is what I got:
return {
dependencies = {
How to do this (from which-key) in wf?
o = {
name = "open",
["-"] = { ":Oil", "Oil" },
p = { ":Neotree toggle", "Project sidebar" },
t = { ":ToggleTerm"…
There should be an option to darken inactive windows and windows of plugins like toggleterm, nvim-tree etc. This iwould be similar to [material.nvim](https://github.com/marko-cerovac/material.nvim) th…