I notice that [the APCA W3 README](https://github.com/Myndex/apca-w3#readme) was [changed on 25 April 2022](https://github.com/Myndex/apca-w3/commit/36fda7ec86f9dedb1ae4587b0280898c1a7d3da8) to add a …
Thanks for sharing your project and congrats on getting featured in [TLDR newsletter](https://www.tldrnewsletter.com). Before this project gains too much popularity, I would suggest changing t…
I'm curious about the use of the name GraphQL. I'm about to start some serious GraphQL projects, and I want to know if I can use the name GraphQL in my project names, domain names, GitHub repos etc.
A page for trademarks and attributions covering what is needed for openliberty.io including the guides.
An idea is that this may be a link in the footer section next to License and Privacy Policy a…
We are the developer and owners of Wordfence. Our premium products are only available directly from us. This url is distributing our products illegally and without permission and are using our copyrig…
"APA106, SK6812, WS2811, WS2812 and WS2813 that are commonly refered to as NeoPixels"
NeoPixel is a trademarked term by Adafruit Industries and has nothing to do with the parts mentioned. It…
You just copied the name "TurboSoftware", I already used that name. Can you please change the name?
Add a page to acknowledge the ownership of the various trademarks.
Name is finalized, we now need to trademark the title.
Aka, calling professional dibs part 1.