Pose a question about one of the following articles:
“[DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/2623330.2623732)”, 2014. B. Perozzi, R. Al-Rfou, S. S…
## 📚 Documentation
We should demonstrate the power of GNN in inductive learning. That is, when a new node comes to a graph, we can apply GNN to do a good prediction.
# jargon 리스트
- [x] transduction model
- [x] constituency parsing
- [x] sinusoids
- [x] Positional Encodings
- [x] BLEU
- [x] WMT
- [x] factorization tricks
- [x] desiderata
- [x] transform…
你好,读了您的paper,觉得很是厉害!但是有个地方不是很明白。如果有一个新的需要预测的测试集,是否还要重新加入节点重新跑代码计算,才能预测?关于预测我不是很懂。论文结论中的这段话我也不是很明白。However, a major limitation of this study is that the GCN model is inherently transductive, in which t…
Alibaba Fund 主题
Thank you very much the nice paper and code. I was wondering when you compare the IGMC with other methods, how do you replicate the results from previous work? Is there any good library to t…
Post your questions here about: “[Network Learning](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hjXUvBRS779HDvbYXMKjyVbO3wVg6SaWNtxwof6s6LM/edit?usp=sharing)” & “Knowledge and Table Learning”, Thinking with D…
Dear contributor(s),
I have a question with respect to the implementation of the ECOD algorithm.
It seems like (if I am not mistaken) that this implementation is mixing train set and test set, w…
sorry, I cannot run the demo you provide. In test_arguments.py, from pkl_dataset.transform_cfg import transforms_test_options, transforms_list seems not exist in your source codes. Thanks for your at…
# AMC Meeting Announcement
| S3E03 | Season 3 Episodes 3 |
| ------------: | :------------------------------------- |
| Date | 7-10 pm, Sunday …