### The problem
**This is part of the effort to consolidate the [Sustainability Software PAL's tabs extension](https://www.figma.com/design/DXsHD2rqGTcHRfsRKMkW86/(v10)-PAL-Components-%E2%80%93%C2%A0…
文档中,DATE 和 DATETIME 都是占用16字节,新版中(v-3.0.2),DATE 占4字节,DATETIME 占8字节。
See design [here](https://www.figma.com/design/JWTS4eGqJv8GRVE0N5hGYw/(WIP)-Lumigator?node-id=3359-7745&node-type=frame&t=qH8AZvb4DJwb75Au-11)
Tooltip descriptions [here](https://docs.google.com/do…
Update the developer site design based on Ethan's Figma:
## Versions
- System: linux
- NodeJS: 18.19.0
- Typescript: 5.3.3
- Compiler / Transpiler: ts-jest
- Typegoose(NPM): 12.5.0
- mongoose: 8.5.0
- mongodb: 0.0.0
## What is the Problem?
In this issue I’d like to design our initial type representation (typerep) design.
## What’s this?
The (run-time) type representation is a value at run-time that indicates a type.
## What for…
This is a part of One Mega Map effort https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-services/issues/14395.
When all ledger data is stored in a single virtual map, a key requirement is for a single VirtualMap t…