- Visualise change colour-coded (average year added?)
- some density plots
- some change maps for study areas
- show changes in DoU as a GIF
## Description du problème
Sur demande de l'ANS, une page "liste_profils" a été créé pour suplanter la page "artifacts summary" et permettre de séparer les profils génériques et les profils applicati…
third_rel should wrap around the projection-boundary to support Oceania, Western hemisphere part of Russia, and the Eastern hemisphere part of Alaska.
Furthermore it should relate to the compacted …
Marcello will send their code
bv 1% ipv 2.5%
- area per DoU (@cjacobscrisioni doet eerst #78 hiervoor)
- pop dens per DoU
Places where frequency tables are made and used
1. GetCounts (in CalcClassBreaks.h) results contain a ValueCountPairContainer, used in class-break functions and in the MapView for creating a suitab…
**QA :** en lien avec cette ancienne [issue](https://github.com/MTES-MCT/Docurba/issues/465) closed
- **1er test :** ne fonctionne pas
By using the mixr package to get an English lexicon, I noticed that some words are missing from your database. These are mainly adverbs, nouns related to water (the theme of my corpus) and wor…
- distance to nearest urban centre within 50km (decided 30-01-2024)
- based on resistance? Add info about water/mountains/etc.
Check the importance in calibration
- calc distance in 2000, then ch…