i am trying to configure the following but am getting an error how can i fix it
Vhost myconfig:
location / {
include /etc/nginx/naxsi-rules/rules/block.rules;
List of items for @sherry-fang (@iosonobert, @williamedge please add):
- [ ] Sherry onboarding
- [x] Fork repo
- [x] Create new branch
- [ ] #13
- [x] Shezza to clone and fork …
The link cannot be opened when i try to install the package in r studio:
install.packages("https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/biozhp/org.Ta.eg.db/master/org.Ta.eg.db.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type=…
There are now two issues about information and photos/videos of ITS machines in the ITS repo. In addition @philbudne has a list of of PDP-6s here: http://www.ultimate.com/phil/pdp10/pdp6-serials.html
There looks to be a missing out-cast from the database on boolean fields. For example, this is from `institutions.list_insts_flat`:
'Washington': {'abbreviation': 'UWa',
Why should we support this cartridge? Because it contains a FlashRom of type Am29F010 which is very similar to the Am29F040 used in EasyFlash. It can serve as a good test case for implementing the sec…
Proposed by Frank Mueller:
Could you please implement the Binary File Format ILDA?!
Its similar to other vector files
A file definition is found here:
`官方方案`升级Unity, https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/argumentoutofrangeexception-when-entering-emojis-into-inputfield-on-android
[UWA 手机输入emoji表情导致的问题](https://answer.uwa4d.com…