Hi, nice work about Variational Autoencoder on recommendation. However, I am confused about the method of data split which is the same way as 2018WWW-Variational autoencoders for collaborative filteri…
Thank you so much for this nice implementation. I am trying to readapt it to my input dataset.
However, I didn't get this parameter which is num_units or num_filters. Do you mean by that numbe…
The current implementation uses
`F.binary_cross_entropy(recon_x, x.view(-1, 784), reduction='sum')`
as the reconstruction loss. The image `x` has pixel values in `[0,1]`. This is not the same …
Phenomenal achievement of SANA and DC AE kudos(big fan have been following you guys since the tinyml hanlab courses)
But I just have one doubt, why is the system named DC AE and not DC VAE
Does it m…
This *may* not be the best framework for it, but it would be a good exercise to see how it looks compared to competing frameworks, e.g. Keras, Edward.
Stateful LSTM, Siamese Network link is broken.
I hope someone can help me understand why the KL is calculated as:
0.5 * torch.sum(torch.pow(self.mean, 2) + self.var - 1.0 - self.logvar, dim=[1, 2, 3])
In the DiagonalGaussianDistributi…
I have just read the paper and moved into the source code. I was wondering what they are "psi", "H", "iw", and "vec", "star"
Could you kindly provide a explanation?
Thank you very much!! :)
### References
- http://ruishu.io/2016/12/25/gmvae/
- http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RuiShu/vae-clustering/blob/master/experiments.ipynb
- https://github.com/dpkingma/nips14-ssl
### Citations
- D…
Outstanding Work!
I have a question regarding the performance of the VAE in your CCM Diffusion model. As far as I understand, VAE typically struggle to reconstruct precise CCM. Since the performance …
LTT-O updated
5 months ago