When VHDL toolbox is selected as language formatter, it crashes with an error stating that it can't find emacs.
There are functions defined which parse the code to format it. It is believed that th…
Type: Bug
Change an when expression of a command to include `!(var =~ /pattern/)` (e.g. `!(editorLangId =~ /^markdown$/)`).
Keyboard Shortcuts tab then freezes. Switching to another tab and back r…
Good day, again I am excited by your work.
I have forked, and then ```sys.path.append```ed the directory to the top of the sphinx ```config.py``` with the inclusion in extensions as ```'sphinx_vhdl…
Implement conversion of the AST back into a VHDL text file.
There are a number of possible uses for having the ability to go back from the AST to VHDL.
* Debugging of parsing. Do VHDL -> AST -> V…
Type: Bug
= I launch it from HDD.
- On startup, start writing immediately and when I type "class A", it writes "classA " and the space is written after some time. I have to wait for it to be able …
Issue Type: Bug
Both the `pdf` preview and the main editor fonts appear blurred and difficult to read.
1) Similarly to other bug reports such as #97682 and #85154, there's a gradient of blurrine…
Type: Bug
`"editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true`
A long function declaration that Prettier formats to an argument per line is sticky on the ending parenthesis instead of the function name.
Type: Bug
I understand that this general bug has been posted before. However, the most recent I have seen it is from several years ago. This appears to be a recent regression because it started for …
Type: Bug
Run the "Run Build Task" command from the command palette, VSCode is fetching build tasks indefinitely in the status bar and the menu does not open.
**When opening the `tasks.json` fil…
In my currently limited experience with programming and HDL overall, code formatters typically handle things like capitalization, indentation, newlines, etc... solely for the purpose of making code ea…