when use androidx and publish an release apk .
it appear crash every times .
假设文件大小有100mb ,需要将这100mb缓存完才能播放,缓存一部分时 为啥不能播放?求解
How to cause display of the advertizing Chartboost in Сonstruct2?
Since jCenter has been left in a read-only repository, I would like to be able to continue using this great library.
And I wanted to know if it could be uploaded to the maven central repository.
i cant fix this error.. someone can help me ?
String proxyUrl = DiaryApplication.getProxy(this).getProxyUrl(playUrl);
LinkedHashMap map1 = new LinkedHashMap();
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.setLevel(int)' on a null object reference
at xy…
I used this library with Android tv Project but don't work.
the application close.
**## first create class App**
import android.app.Application;
import android.content.Context;
import com.dan…
someone know why we dont have sound with 1080
here is my source i will like make it more better