The Wavin sensors report temperature with one decimal point on the wall mounted unit.
In Home Assistant this decimal reporting is not consistant - one place in the ESP integration, it shows with one …
Add a list of all your activities, achievements, work experience. Add as much info as you can remember. In case you don’t have working experience tell about your pet-projects or student projects. Don’…
Cannot compile on ESPHome 2023.10.3, getting ALOT of errors.
I'm using the esp32-c3-devkitm-1 hardware from @nic6911 and upgrading from wavinahc9000 to wavinahc9000v2, but with v2 I get the following errors in the log.
My UART configuration is as specified b…
Is it possible to get some more instructions? I'm unsure whether this requires any hardware. Additionally, i tried to follow the steps, but when i come to checking the configuration.yaml file,…
In my home I have 2 channels that are linked together on the adjuster in the house.
Short of hiding the secondary channel, and making automation that sync's the two, is there a way to combine them …
The logs says the following:
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/wavinsentio/__init__.py:39
Integration: Wavin Sentio ([documentation](https://github.com/djerik/wavinse…
Hi @djerik
This has nothing to do with your great project. It works well!
But I am considering doing something similar for [HomeBridge](https://homebridge.io/), but I can't seem to find any API …
Hi DJErik,
I've tried looking into your python, but without luck.
Humidity levels per room, would that be a feature you could add?
Would be nice to avoid more sensors, when the Wavin-system al…
Мне необходимо использовать vosk-api в моём QT C++ проекте. Однако распознавание ничего не возвращает.
Помогите решить данную проблему.
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