# Problems with this loader
Currently, the loader cannot use `htmlWebpackPlugin` values in ejs files.
It cannot simply use the data in individual files, but also the values provided by default by `h…
## Using from source in Quasar
The documentation explains what to do when is needed to use a custom build editor in Vue.js, but many times users do not use pure vue approach.
_What is the purpose …
### Current behavior
It's impossible to use optional chaining if `"target": "esnext"` is configured in `tsconfig.json`.
In fact, I would like to reopen the issue #9298.
In **tsconfig.json**:
### 使用webpack-chain新增scss配置
> 使用飞冰的脚手架来开发区块的时候发现飞冰默认的样式解析规则是通过匹配`test: /\.module\.scss$/`来进行`css modules`,但是因为项目的原因需要修改规则,.scss文件都需要被`css modules`。
> ice-scripts 内部的基础 webpack 配置都是通过 [webpack-c…
- Operating System: MacOS
- Node Version: 10
- NPM Version: 6
- webpack Version: 4
- cache-loader Version: latest
### Feature Proposal
Serialize `this.loaders` options to invalidate cach…
I'm trying this plugin, and, first of all, thanks for the work to make this available.
Nevertheless, I encounter some bugs / problems during installation... with @vue/cli v4 .
Maybe rela…
Failed to parse source map: 'webpack:///../../src.ts/coders/abstract-coder.ts' URL is not supported
Failed to parse source map: 'webpack:///../../src.ts/coders/address.ts' URL is not supported
When building for production using `vue-cli-service build`, the following error is thrown:
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Thread Loader (Worker 0)
It seems that webpack 5 in production mode breaks the singleton mode (that was working fine for webpack 4). It throws an error that `__webpack_exports__ is not defined` . In development mode for webpa…
@guptakvgaurav managed to get the following error with his webpack set-up:
Could not find a matching event to end misc compile { fillLast: true }