## BitShares The Home Of SmartCoins
**What is BitShares?**
BitShares is a decentralized platform that runs on a blockchain like Bitcoin but with MUCH higher performance.
Our core invention is Price …
I'm learning Go and I love pre-commit. This repo has A LOT of hooks, many of them overlap and I'm a bit overwhelmed.
What is a beginner-friendly list of hooks to use for a small project?
Maybe …
Game AI Pro
About 0 Minutes
All book chapters are free to download.
-Steve Rabin, Series Editor
The third volume in the Game AI Pro book series (publish…
# Digiline
## Project Description
We intend to create a tooling for one-click-run-and-deploy of contracts (like Remix for Secret Contracts). We've already built the early infrastructure for one-cl…
@Danwhy / @Cleop / @SimonLab / @RobStallion if you have any ideas/suggestions for what to call this project (_and resulting Hex.pm package_) please share! ✨
For me it's a trade-off between somethin…
📚 This guide explains how to use YOLOv5 🚀 **model ensembling** during testing and inference for improved mAP and Recall. UPDATED 25 September 2022.
From https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/comput…
Hello, your lib is awesome, but i found problem. On every 1000 generated wallets by mnemonic, 6 wallets is invalid. However, on the node.js, these mnemonics generate valid wallets. I suppose, that bec…
Plot the reported/observed gestational ages against the predicted gestational ages for the:
* top three performers
* wisdom of crowd solution based on the top performers in the leaderboard round
Hey Y'all. So while I'm writing in Zettlr, I need an easy way to see & scroll through all my existing tags. Scrolling through all my existing notes is already doable - I can just use the file manager …
It would appear that the contents of the folder `transformations.panel.dictionary_based._rocket` are highly duplicative, with now six variants of the rocket algorithm in it?
__all__ = [