I want to send a pull request to add code that allows developers to specify if a person can download a members only package (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-ability-to-filter-user-authenticatio…
I have a [test bed package for WordPress stack in gist](https://gist.github.com/Rarst/5300767). If I clone it and run `composer install` it works fine.
However when I added it to my Satis repository …
Rarst updated
10 years ago
Whenever I upload a file, the upload completes at 100%, but then the page is refreshed/redirected, and loads the same page over again "admin.php?page=wp-downloadmanager/download-add.php" but I receive…
Ich habe auf apfeltech.net mit dem Podlove Publisher eine Folge gepostet, die nur per [Direktlink](http://apfeltech.net/episodes/001/) aufrufbar ist.
Obwohl die richtige Option in den Experts-Set…
When I download the caches, it uses to download and store the statics maps at the same time. Now (02.04.2012 version), maps are not downloaded, I have to open every single cache, call for the sta…
ghost updated
12 years ago