select user()
I'm still trying to get the new input system to work. On `foot` and `kitty` input events are generated when presing modifier keys, e.g. `shift`. I am not sure how to map subsequent keypresses to the a…
Is it possible to have a called page turn (from a button or a swipe event) be set to do a default corner-peel type animation rather than sliding over as a straight horizontal wipe?
本文档已迁移至 https://weex-project.io/cn/references/modules/animation.html ,此处不再维护,谢谢。
# 提要
weex版本 >= 0.4
## transition(node, options, callback)
### 参数
- node(Node): 动画将要作用的元素.
display: masonry;
masonry-template: repeat(auto-fill, auto);
masonry-direction: column-reverse;
masonry-span: 2;
masonry-threashold: 2px;
The primary issue with building m…
Some though I've had recently about a possible augmentation to the rule format, notably while working on the "Target Size" rules.
We have a few cases of rules that are very similar but checking for…
Hello again,
I've been trying to sample the posterior as done in your examples, and I was wondering if there was a way to have the chains run in parallel? I got thrown a warning saying:
## Визуально
- [x] Фотки не должны менять пропорции (`bg-size: cover`)
- [x] После союзов и предлогов нужны неразрывные пробелы (` `). То есть во фразе «окна и двери» «и» должен переносится с д…
Just installed Übersicht and it’s really exciting! I immediately installed a few widgets and some where overlapping. So my idea is to either to add auto-layouting (when adding widgets check if the sug…
hacfi updated
5 years ago