- https://github.com/daisy/xspec-maven-plugin/pull/11
- https://github.com/daisy/xspec-maven-plugin/commit/2cc5849
- https://github.com/daisy/xspec-maven-plugin/commit/379da16
Trying to open 1D spectra (`pypeit version 1.15.0` installed via `pip`) with the `lt_xspec` command raises the following issue:
File "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pypeit/bin/lt_xspec", line 8, in …
### Provide a general description of the issue or problem.
It turns out that the gain correction (if applied) being performed in `fitting_legacy` is not being done in the same way as [XSPEC](https://…
how about pointing to [xspec/xspec](https://github.com/xspec/xspec) instead
I got a problem reading your model. My HEASOFT version is 6.31.1. Can you please provide some comments?
# Comments on Saxon 12.5
This covers points introduced by the release of Saxon 12.5.
It starts with a number of issues raised by @galtm and @birdya22 on Saxon 12.4 which related to XSpec, which have…
Here are 2 "missed" tests (originaly from issue #13):
- [xspec-issue13_v2.0.0-RC8-test-missed-badtype.zip](https://github.com/xspec/xspec-maven-plugin-1/files/4554066/xspec-issue13_v2.0.0-RC8-test…
I should say at the beginning that I've done my testing with the changes from https://github.com/xspec/xspec/issues/1917.
The stylesheet has the following content:
There are 7 global variables at …
The XSPEc model comptb (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/manual/node156.html#comptb) is not available in astromodels
Add support for XSPEC mixing models - https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/manual/Mixing.html
This is complicated because the idea behind these models does not fit in well with Sherpa. Multip…