I tried to do it with only one iteration per, just to make sure it works but it does not seem to even set up omz.
EDIT: It seemed to modify my zshrc and maybe get stuck after? Maybe we should imple…
Docker got pretty popular.
Maybe add it out of the box, or as a plugin.
I can get it working by [following official instruction for non oh-my-zsh](https://docs.docker.com/compose/completion/#zsh), b…
# 打造屬於你自己的極速 Shell「iTerm + zsh + zim + powerlevel10k」 - jkgtw's blog
I did verify the valor of `version-management-tool` and it's set to `rvm`.
/Users/rafifos/.zim/modules/ruby/init.zsh:9: command not found: rbenv
rafifos in ~ at A1398
➜ zstyle -L | grep …
so far the migration to dotly of my dotfiles was quite straight forward. I really like the folder structure which makes it more easily readable. I already had almost all the configurations done…
zimfw version: 1.4.3 (built at 2021-03-19 23:42:38 UTC, previous commit is 163d36b)
ZIM_HOME: /home/kronikpillow/.config/zsh/.zim
Zsh version: 5.8
System info: Linux susanoo 5.11.9-2-…
I've made a custom theme called `basher` that is accessible [here](https://gitlab.com/Spriithy/basher). I think some people might be interested in it, maybe you could register it in the Wiki ?…
rg --
-- no matches found --
![截屏2024-09-28 04 49 35](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/7c811af8-f7eb-474f-bf9f-0c9087d32627)
git --
--bare --use...
Since zsh compiles .zshrc to .zshrc.zwc, changes of .zshrc are sometimes not picked up.
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/hamel/.dotfiles/modules/dotbot/bin/dotbot", line 39, in
import dotbot
File "/Users/hamel/.dotfiles/modules/dotbot/dotbot/__init__.py", line…