This works really well, thanks! Maybe it could be useful to have it in the [zsh-completions project](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions)?
### Platform or tool
### Desired or expected behavior
Hi team, really enjoying the GitLab 1password plugin. https://developer.1password.com/docs/cli/shell-plugins/gitlab
One thing I notic…
Are there any shell completions available for `sl`? The only thing I could find in the repo was `eden/scm/contrib/zsh_completion`, but that seems to be for the `hg` command.
### Describe the bug
When attempting to use tab-completion in OhMyZsh for directory or file names that contain a dash (-) followed by a capital letter (e.g., my-Folder), no suggestions appear when th…
Filling commands, tags or projects with tab would be great.
P.S.: I'm a todotxt user for a long time but it was sad to see that Gina's tool wasn't getting any attention. When I heard about this proje…
I've been looking forward to dynamic completion support for a long time. I see ZSH support has landed as an unstable feature so I [started playing around with a POC on a small project](https://github.…
Here is my ZSH completion config:
# {{{ ZSH completion config
fpath=(~/Dropbox/Config/zsh-completions $fpath)
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _correct _app…
Hubro updated
6 months ago
Investigate how to add completion to the app for completing:
- forest subcommands
- tree and task names
Not sure if you're interested in including such things in the distributions as it obviously adds an expectation of maintenance. I…
First, thanks for this fantastic tool!
Unfortunately, flamegraph's zsh completions cannot load properly.
zsh ❯ eval "$(flamegraph --completions zsh)"