Support SOXZ bootloader, including Spectrum ROM loading from SD Card
La idea sería adaptar el código, para poder usar una SD para poner las ROMS. Hay un usuario de GitHub que lo hizo con un emulador de ZX spectrum con esta mismo hardware y dice que es facil. https://gi…
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- Plugin Name: EmmyLua
- Plugin Version:
- OS Name: Mac OS X
- Java Version: 11.0.15
- App Name: IDEA
- App Full Name: IntelliJ IDEA
- App Version name: Int…
New Version of mega65 2nd batch release,,all version of cores do not work or start using internal sdcards as per intsructions given
Test the Sizif 512K with a Retro Reciever for SEGA MegaDrive crashes and locks up the system. I need to turn the machine on and off to get …
I have installed it, but already the initial VGA image comes out with suspicious white pixels. If I press the ENTER key, the image starts to flicker.
The standard keys for SOFT RESET (CTRL+ALT+DEL)…
Bugs detectados por desubikado:
Las versiones del 2021.10.31 tiene algunos pequeños fallos como:
No detecta y pone la salida de vídeo a VGA si está puesta así por defecto en la BIOS. Este problema n…
Thank you for great examples how to use ZPU! Would it be possible to put there one very simple example how to use ZPU in Verilog code, please?
Maybe it is easy, but I'm a newbie (in Verilog…
1. we need to know the max number of ingredients.
2. plot a histogram of pizzas according to their number of ingredients
3. plot a histogram of teams according to the number of people
4. plot a his…