When searching for the text "Beweissicherung" for metadata in Germany, 15 entries for datasets are displayed. However, these 15 entries do not appear if one of the 34 INPSIRE themes has been selected …
Rédiger des recommandations d'adaptation des métadonnées ISO 19139 pour faciliter la transformation en DCAT, à destination des producteurs/administrateurs de données.
I have gone through the steps to install and load up geoportal server for the first time.
When the site loads, i get an error in red which reads
currently @ts-ignore only mutes the errors from the line immediately below it
would be great to have the same for
1. the whole next block
2. also for all imports
### use case:
Permettre aux producteurs de la donnée de rajouter descriptif de contenus, descriptifs de livraisons, projets Qgis, etc.
Lister la documentation ainsi associée.
La documentation aura plusieurs format…
### What client do you play on?
### Faction
### Content Phase:
### Current Behaviour
During a MC run we killed all the adds at Majordomo but on the last add kill, all the adds …
Current guidance is that each agency's "/data" inventory must be a single list in a file containing multiple lines of Javascript Object Notation (JSON) summary metadata per dataset, even if our agency…
As part of the GeoDCAT-AP alignment with DCAT 3 and DCAT-AP 3, Dataset Series is being investigated.
In the open data (DCAT-AP) community, Dataset Series is being used just as a grouping element for …
J'ai eu un retour de la part de Dominique concernant l'encodage des catégories HVD et il pose quelques questions (il a regardé en ISO 19139) :
###(attention liste des categories HVD sera MàJ en jun…
I tried all the hot fixes that have been seen, the current errors I see are:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND prices.js
totals.js:338 Unknown item: 284 TH Honey bottle