is there a way or planned feature to create horizontal cells or group them by container?
we've created this layout https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/294274/OX-Mockup/sneakpeek/appsuite-page.png.…
ghost updated
10 years ago
In contrast to #37 the `config/spring.rb` is not loaded within an engine.
I followed the instructions from the readme and created the `config/spring.rb`.
The engine´s dummy application is located in…
Given: An element with content validations.
Saving this element with blank text field leads to failing validation, but the `essence_error_messages` are blank and an empty list is displayed.
Hello I am running Rails4 with Ruby 2 on a Ubuntu 12.4 environment.
I have followed the instruction at magiclabs / alchemy_cms for install Alchemy in your app (this is a fresh app ran rail new app_n…
I just upgraded an existing app running with alchemy 2.7 to rails4 and alchemy 3.0.
Running the migrations (i.e. from the upgrader) the `alchemy_users` table is being dropped. That means we loose all…
I am using the alchemy3-demo as a reference implementation. Not sure if this is a problem of Alchemy or the demo app.
- install alchemy3-demo and update alchemy_cms to master
- add a global "f…
I tried to install master branch into a existing app (rails 4.0.0)
Got the follwing error on bundle install:
Resolving dependencies...
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "tu…
**Движки для сайтов:**
- livestreet - http://livestreetcms.com/download/
- drupal - http://drupal.org/project/download
- joomla - http://www.joomla.org/download.html
- wordpress - http://wordpress.org…
I am getting this error
ArgumentError alchemy_languages can't be converted to a class in
/gems/squeel-1.1.1/lib/squeel/adapters/active_record/context.rb:53:in `classify'
on http://localhost:3000/a…
I am currently building an calendar application with Ruby on Rails and I just installed alchemy (@hmans' fault! :grinning:). Now I discovered that your `events` table overwrites mine, which resul…
gr4y updated
11 years ago