I'm new to all this and had a devil of a time figuring out how to access BETYdb using the PEcAn virtual machine. @dlebauer helped me out with the info I needed. It turns out there's no one place where…
he cuticular conductance values from @serbinsh [2012 paper](http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/content/63/1/489.full.pdf+html) are all < 1, suggesting these are in the wrong units (most are ~50k, suggestin…
- [ ] Rob Alba to confirm w/ Steve K
- enter meta-data (site, treatment, genotypes) into BETYdb
- upload raw phenotype data
- [ ] enter with access_level = 1 until publication
- [ ] ~~record information that fits within the ICASA standard (e.g. #6) in a spreadsheet or json blob~~
- [x] Data beyond scope of ICASA standards in something like a 'native' format - that can be a…
Metadata for the first scans after the August 3rd planting needs to be checked up until approximately August 23rd, for 'sorghum season 2' entry and 'August 3' planting date entry, and for the correct …
See https://github.com/terraref/computing-pipeline/issues/193#issuecomment-259544235 for discussion of how this should work.
There should be pages to define, edit, and show 'experiments' (added in #410) within the BETYdb UI.
This should allow users to fill out the following fields:
* name
* start_date
* end_date
BETY tables search, traits, & yields, (and AFAIK no others) include a `checked` column indicating whether an admin has verified the value. By default the API excludes results where `checked != 1`, but…
* [x] make sure variables are defined in [terraref BETYdb](terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/bety/variables) (if they do not exist
* [x] upload csv files to google docs
* we can discuss formatti…
- Define traits that will be used in GWAS study, including variable names, units, and methods of measurement / validation.
for example:
| name | units | description | method of measurement |
| --- |…