Original Reporter: Russell Taylor
Most recently seen on RHEL5:
Error: Expected (X[201] == 40200) up to 1e-4 (0.0001), found (0.0000 != 40200)
Error: Expected (Y[94] == 1.0) up to 1e-…
Recently a change to DataHandling/LoadRaw/isisraw2 caused a strange failure on the intel compiler. It was if the code had not been put in. This was down to the fact that there was a separate copy of t…
Original Reporter: @jzikovsky
Original Owner: @jzikovsky
Russell tells me that the DataHandling dependency of Algorithm breaks installers. Use CreateSubAlgorithm.
MantidPlot currently uses a cast to check what type of workspace has been created and prints a string accordingly. If the id() string on the workspace is set correctly for the different types, which i…
Original Reporter: Russell Taylor
The "copy detectors to table" output gives no indication that a spectrum has more that one detector (a DetectorGroup) contributing to it. The detector ID given is ju…
Original Reporter: Russell Taylor
The "copy detectors to table" output gives no indication that a spectrum has more that one detector (a DetectorGroup) contributing to it. The detector ID given is ju…
Create an Algorithm subclass in Mantid::DataHandling to load HFIR SANS data into a workspace.
Files from DataHandling/src/LoadRaw were copied to Nexus/src. There must be only one copy of those files
Run the script
LoadSNSEventNexus(Filename="/SNS/PG3/IPTS-1937/1/1400/NeXus/PG3_1400_event.nxs", OutputWorkspace="PG3_1400")
FilterByLogValue(InputWorkspace="PG3_1400", OutputWorkspace="…
A datahandling algorithm needs to be created that will load the monitors from a SNS event `NeXus` file into a workspace.