Running `devtools::check()` should warn you if the documentation of any function is incomplete (find more details here; http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/check.html).
One good way to not miss any important p…
If the author of the package is the author of a function, then that author needs not to be explicitely mentioned in each help file. In other words, use \@author in help files of functions written but …
* Once you are using automated unit tests, you may want to measuere code cover. For example with the __covr__ package (see `devtools::use_coverage()`).
* Once you are confident of the checks you d…
I believe you already created the skeleton of a readme file with `usethis::use_readme_rmd()`. It doesn't yet appear on GitHub, meaning that you haven't pushed it yet.
The information in `README` wi…
## About your DESCRIPTION file:
* `Type:` I'm not sure what this field does.
* `Version:` Consider using a development version until released. The book _R Packages_ recommends adding .9000 to the …
Show me and other users what your package does. You'll can show some features in `README` (https://github.com/ervanSTRI/AGBflux_pack/issues/5). To show more you can use a vignette (`usethis::use_vigne…
_From @maurolepore on September 18, 2018 15:12_
You are already testing, but likely in a non-systematic way: you write a function, run it, and see its output on the console to check check if it's ri…
How do I add a column that need to show in both tables `equations` and `sitespecies`?
Or, for example, the column `proxy_species`, currently in `sitespecies` need to change its name to something like…
## Questions
Here is the [protocol](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kCG22EAEnOVxw9Z-cPPvrHIzvRFE-j0U7anTmhJbkqM/edit) for reference
- [x] 1. dendroID is something we have instructions for in…
In the [measurements metadata](https://github.com/forc-db/ForC/blob/master/metadata/measurements_metadata.csv)
**Sites.sitename** = Unique site identifier name for the site at which the measurement…