How about showing the total number of publications during a given period for each area (or conference) selected by the user?
### For example:
Rank institutions in [ANY] by publications from **2…
There are currently only two venues under AI (AAAI and IJCAI).
AAMAS is a leading multi-agent conference and its popularity has been growing substantially in recent years. For instance, AAMAS 2018 h…
Hi @VeritasYin , could you please inform how did you form the vertex and weight matrix csvs from the available files ?
I can find so many files to download.
Hi @VeritasYin ,
How do you calculate the distance between the stations? Is it distance through the road network, or "as the crow flies"?
Do you have the list of the ID of the 228 and 1,026 stat…
Looking at https://concept.research.microsoft.com/Home/Introduction
I see how we would highly benefit from using this dataset to better understand short text within its context.
Any pointers on ho…
########## Evaluation ##########
Timestep: 629402 Average reward is 0.458
########## Evaluation ##########
Timestep: 1258220 Average reward is 0.46
########## Evaluation ##########
Timestep: …
Hello There, I just read your paper, it is very informative and helpful. I just want to know that why the data_ijcai_author has been used as the testing dataset and not the file data_raw_test?
As t…
Hi, those are some other graph level classification papers for your information
Graph Kernel:
"A Graph Kernel Based on the Jensen-Shannon Representation Alignment" IJCAI 2015
Lu Bai, Zhihong Zhang,…
Hi, I have some problems with your implementation of IRGAN. It seems that your implementation doesn't utilize a pre-trained model to initialize the weights of the generator or discriminator as the off…
另外想咨询一下 相关问题。但是发邮件 neilyou@qq.com 好像没有响应。希望可以留一个联系方式。谢谢拉
另外如果需要胜率的话 更多的是使用多种方式组合。