Gelio updated
7 years ago
The following circular dependency graph:
Test => Dom => DomUi => Dom (Lazy) => DomUi => Dom (Lazy) => ...
import "reflect-metadata";
import { Container, inject, injectable } fr…
Now that TypeScript supports string values for enums, it'd be very convenient to switch from this:
type BindingScope = "Singleton" | "Transient" | "Request";
type BindingType = "Con…
# Título
**JavaScript & Node.js: La "Enterprise Edition" con TypeScript y InversifyJS**
# Descripción
En esta charla exploraremos como TypeScript y librerías como InversifyJS pueden ayudarnos a…
## Expected Behavior
abstract class AbstractRestController {
protected repository: Repository;
// Fixed from @Get('/id')
async getById(@Req…
In the wiki example you have:
We are binding `Katana` and `Shuriken` to `Weapon` but a `whenTargetTagged` constraint is added to avoid `AMBIGUOUS_MATCH` errors:
As per title, saving an entity works but find returns undefined.
export class TypeORMCLient {
public db: Connection;
public em: EntityManager;
constructor(@unmanaged() private collectio…
since i am using serverless architecture i want to use only DI and pass container with other event
how can i use a generic controller class as several registered controllers without creating subclasses like
class AController extends FooController
I would like to have a possibility to declaratively define construction parameters of injected entities.
## Expected Behavior
I would like to be able to constsruct a logger like this: